

Field Reports

Race Reports, Gear Reviews, Training, and Adventures

Posts tagged Race Report
Black Hills 100

100 miles is no joke, and much, much further both mentally and physically than my previous 50 mile and 100k ultra distances. I was leaving the turn-around point around midnight at Silver City after just vomiting, and staring down a dark night on the Centennial Trail and very likely more hours ahead of me than I’ve ever put in on a trail despite having already run 50 miles today. Holy shit. What?! Okay...Just keep moving forward...Let’s do this!...somehow...?!

"Ultra running is a brutal sport; I’ve never seen so much determination and so many smiles in spite of extreme fatigue, aches, pain, vomit and other struggles most people would avoid at all costs. These athletes are willing to face these challenges, plus more, and push through, just to know they can. It is inspiring to say the least.”  -Kelly Dahl (crew chief, wife, and kid-wrangler)

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Race Report: Yankee Springs Winter Challenge (50 Mile)

The alarm went off at 3:30 AM, and I groggily reached for my phone. I hit snooze button (a big “no, no” in the get up and get out the door motivational world), but I wanted a few minutes of not running around to plan though my day. Running is so reactive, move through the world, take in your surrounding, react and adapt to your body and your context. I reveled in these nine warm minutes of calm in bed before I started the avalanche of motion and emotion that is the Yankee Springs Winter Challenge (YSWC) 50 Mile race.

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Race Report: Yankee Springs Trail Run (Double Marathon)

Let me just start by saying, the Yankee Springs Trail Run weekend is amazing expression of the West Michigan trail running community. I feel lucky and grateful to live in a place with a great trail running community. I'll be back next year to run or volunteer or both. 

You should definitely join me next year! You can run 1, 2, or even 3 races over the weekend; Friday = 10k; Saturday = full-marathon, double-marathon, quad-marathon; Sunday = half-marathon. We didn't camp out at Yankee Springs this year, but likely will next year...

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